WeUse Private community
Rent and lend with people you trust
Get started in four easy steps
Download the app
Available for both iOS and Android
Create or join your community
Invite friends, family, and neighbors to join
Upload items
Add items to your community’s pool
Start Sharing
Borrow, lend, and track items easily
Build your own community item pool
Start sharing personal items like books, tools, games, and more with your trusted circle. Save money and space while fostering a sense of community

Maximize Your Resources
With WeUse, you can easily manage your belongings and shared resources. Whether you want to save money, reduce waste or live more sustainably, WeUse gives you the tools you need to achieve your goals.
Upload and share Items
Add items to your community’s pool and let others borrow them when needed
Foster Community
Strengthen your relationships by sharing and helping each other out
Save money and space
Borrow instead of buying new, saving money and reducing waste
Rental documentation
Keep track of all borrowed and lent items to ensure they are returned in good condition